
How to pair your watch with your outfit? | Lux Horology

We at Lux Horology enjoy the finer things in life, so when it comes to clothing and our watches, we take them seriously. Now you’re most likely reading this, either because you need some help with your co-ordination of two different elements, or simply because you’re scrolling through the internet and stumbled across this post – whichever you are, we welcome you, and hope you take something away from these tips.

How to pair your watch with any style of outfit?

1. What outfits should you wear with the design of your watch?

Formal outfits:

First of all, when it comes to the formal outfits, a leather strap watch will accommodate almost any of them, they’re great for dress up parties, and important events etc. So the next time you’re attending a black tie party, or have a social event for an award or something, definitely go for the leather strap watch, and co-ordinate it according to the colours your wearing if you can – for example if you have a dark coloured suit, then a dark shade on the watch is a better option. In contrary to this, if your suit is a bold colour, such as green, then look for a lighter watch, however in saying this, you can still wear the darker shades.

The reason behind this –

So you’re probably wondering why this is the case, and that’s a valid question – with the leather strap, it allows for your watch to blend in with the outfit but still be a pinnacle point, in which others look at first. Whereas, if you wore an all stainless steel, or rubber strap, then it would change the outfit as a whole – leaving you with an unbalanced pairing scheme. It would take away the blend of colours, as well as the idea of matching materials.

Smart/ Casual

Smart/ Casual outfits:

When wearing a smart/ Casual outfit, it gives an opportunity for a bigger leeway in the watches you should pair with it. In this case, in the picture shown, a stainless steel watch would be perfect for this outfit. It blends in with the colours beautifully and it seamlessly adds a simple, but effective touch to the overall fit. When it comes down to less formal clothing such as Smart/ Casual, you can kind of match any watch you want, as long as it has a colour scheme involved and pairs to the outfit in some way or another – then it would be perfectly acceptable.

Something which might be worth of mention, is the fact that a rubber strap would also work with the rolled up sleeve look too, as long as it has a dark shade to it, then you’re set to go.

This links us in nicely to the next step, which are the colours involved in the pairing of your watch and outfit.

2. What colour watch should go with your outfit?

What colour watch should you match with your outfit?

When it comes to the colours of your watches and outfits you have, it’s obviously going to be different for everyone, but there are a few tips which can help you to blend your outfits seamlessly, whilst still allowing that eye catching timepiece to shine on your wrist.

1. Match at least one colour (better if two)

We recommend matching at least one colour with a colour incorporated within your watch or vice versa, and it’ll be even better if you can match two. This matching of the colour allows your watch to fit in, and not look out of place, and ultimately complete your outfit to the maximum potential. Two colours would definitely be a lot better, but try not going overboard, as this will just put everything in the shadow, including your watch – and nothing will stand out. However, if you have an element on your watch which is in complete contrast with your one colour outfit, then this could be pulled off.

2. What colours should you choose?

The idea behind this tip, is to focus on yourself and understand what colours represent you, as well as what colours represent what. Now obviously, if you’re reading this, whilst were still in lockdown, it’s somewhat hard to go out and represent yourself in your chosen outfit and watch – But it’s still good to understand this tip and how it can help you.

Bold colours –

So, if you’re a bold character and love bright watches with various elements involved, try and think about an outfit which still represents your style, but maybe tone the outfit down a notch, so the watch can still blend in, but also stand out at the same time. Nothings worse than a clash of colours, and a mix of different materials etc.

Darker shades –

When it comes to darker shades, e.g. blue/ black and grey – It’s important to not let the watch be shunned out by the other dark elements incorporated within your style. So if you are wearing darker colours and shades, using a different material for your watch can always be a good idea, for example, if you have a stainless steel, fabric or rubber strap, it can allow for a smoother blend of all parts involved. The stainless steel stands out, but is modest and doesn’t just outshine other elements. The rubber and fabric straps, allow for a different material to be introduced, so it causes for interest from people looking at your outfit. Not only will these tips cause for interest within others, but it’ll create a sense of confidence for yourself, so give them a try and see how you feel.

3. What materials should you wear with different watches?

What materials should you wear with different watches?

So obviously, we have spoken about formal wear and smart/ casual etc. but now its time to understand the ways in which materials help boost, not only our confidence within outfits, but also the overall aesthetics of the outfits. We do have to reinforce the fact that this is all subjective, and you can wear whatever you deem fit, but these tips can just help that little bit extra, and in some cases, can improve outfits dramatically.

1. Fabric

Fabric is a good material to have incorporated within your outfit, but what do you pair with it you may wonder? So first things first, don’t pair it with another fabric strap, as that will just create this feeling that the watch isn’t of that much importance. Think about going for a stainless steel strap, or even a rubber strap – both of these would allow for a smooth blend, if it has that colour pair there too (as we spoke about above).

2. Leather

Having leather incorporated within your outfit calls for a stainless steel watch, but also fabric in some cases. This difference in material allows the watch to stand out a lot more, but also work with the colours provided throughout the outfit.

3. Denim

Denim calls for a stainless steel strap, this is because any other material would cause an overload in different materials and they just wouldn’t match.

4. Velvet

A velvet outfit, is a more uncommon one to find – however, it would work best with a leather strap, as it would bring out the luxury in which would be present throughout.

4. How your job affects what watch will match to your outfit?

How will your job affect what watch to pair with your outfit?

First of all, this is very subjective and cannot apply to all jobs, but we’ll cover the basis of what the ground rules are and how they’ll help you to understand the differences.

1. Outdoor job

When working outdoors, you’re exposed to the various elements surrounding you, so this can be hard to pair your watch with your outfit, but a rubber strap is always a go to choice. This is because of it’s comfortable fit and the versatility in which it provides. So when you’re carrying out tasks, you wont have to worry about your watch getting in the way or even breaking. As if you were wearing a less robust and versatile watch, the surroundings of your work could have a negative affect on the watch, e.g. damages etc.

2. Office job

What we mean by office job, is obviously working inside and office, but also just a place in general, where you’re not partaking in strenuous activities of such. Well, these jobs can be varied with the outfits being worn – and it would match together with a lot of the materials available – from stainless steel, to leather, but also fabric and rubber. It all depends on what things you’re doing, but also what clothes you wear, if you are more of a smart/ casual guy the stainless steel and rubber would be good, but if you are more often than not, wearing suits, then a leather strap watch might be a good fit for that.

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